The 13th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics
Aachen, Germany, 15-19 September, 2014
This is the thirteenth workshop of this series devoted to physics of the τ lepton and its associated neutrino. The goal of the workshop is to get theorists and experimentalists together to discuss recent progress in τ lepton physics. New results in τ from high energy machines, low energy machines and B-factories will be presented as well as recent results from g-2 and neutrino oscillation experiments. The program also includes related subjects such as hadron cross section measurement at e+e- colliders, searches for Lepton Flavour Violation in μ decays and review talks on the future experiments.
Jul. 11, 2014:
Abstract submission for oral presentation
Aug. 15, 2014:
Abstract submission for poster presentation
Aug. 15, 2014:
Please send abstract proposals for presentations and posters to Tau2014.